Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Q2. Attempt any Three questions.                                  5×6=3
i. What is big data? What are the sources of big data?
ii. What is NoSQL? Explain.
iii. Explain Hadoop Ecosystem.
iv. What is R Programming?
v. Explain HDFS architecture.
vi. What are the various application areas of big data?
vii. What are the various roles of a data scientist?
viii. What are the challenges of big data?
Q3. Attempt any one question.                            1×10=10
a. Explain various stages in data science project.
b. Explain Map Reduce architecture in detail.
c. What are the features of Apache Pig? How Apache Pig is different from Map Reduce?
d. Explain Apache Hadoop in detail.
Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection A:-Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
What is big data? What are the sources of big data?Big data and sources of big data
Explain NoSQL .
Hadoop Ecosystem.
R Programming.
HDFS architecture.
Various application areas of big data.
Various roles of a data scientist.
Challenges of big data.
Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper Click Here
Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Get Started b :-Big Data 5th Sem/CSE/IT/3195/Feb 2021(For 2018 Batch onwards) Diploma Paper
Explain various stages in data science project.Various stages in data science project.
Map Reduce architecture in detail.
Features of Apache Pig.
How Apache Pig is different from Map Reduce.
Apache Hadoop in detail.